Simple. Safe. Smart

most important meal of the Day. Breakfast?

Breakfast. The most important meal of the day!? Yes, but more importantly it’s the best way to start the day to maximize your potential for the rest of the day! 

Why is breakfast so important? 

•Energy Boost•

-Breakfast will kick start energy levels to start the day strong and powerful! 

•Power your Brain•

-By eating breakfast you will feel more awake, focused, calmer, and less irritable to make each decision in a controlled manner.

•Manage Weight and Hunger•

-Starting the morning off with a healthy selection of fruits, veggies or a protein shake will help you feel more:

  1. Full
  2. Less likely to snack 
  3. Control portion size at lunch.

Let’s make breakfast a fun part of the day and a part of your everyday! 

-Jake Cheney 

Rockstar Fitness, LLC.


“5 Reasons to Eat Breakfast”

By Toby Amidor, M.S., R.D., C.D.N.