Making Nutrition Easier

Making Nutrition Fun and Easier Part 2

Hello and welcome to another fun Fitness Friday Fun Facts! 

Today we dive right into a fab favorite in fitness land:

-Eating Healthier 

-Correct Portions 

Let’s keep it Simple and Stick to 2 items for the next 2 weeks.

  1. Between Meals 
  2. During Meals 

-1. Between Meals 

-Try to Start focusing on the difference between 

a. Healthy Snack Alternatives vs. Eating when Tired,Boredom,Stress

>Keep it Simple Tricks curb hunger

-Create a better sleep routine 

-De-stress Routines 

a. Stretching 5 minutes

b. Belly breathing 

c. Mediation 

-2. During Meals 

  1. Eat slowly 
  2. Satisfied not Stuffed 

>Keep it Simple Tricks

-More colors the better

a. A variety of food colors to add more balance to each meal

-Eye ball Test

a. If it looks lime to much food, it probably is .

-Learning hand size portions

a. Hand size of veggies

b. Palm size of protein

c. Palm size of a healthy carb

As we start a new routine or a new plan to be healthier please remember Rockstar Nation that it takes time to adjust to a new routine, so it’s ok to slip up and it’s normal.

Stay on the path and trust the process.

Have a super day Rockstars and Headliners! 

-Jake Cheney 


-Vinny Talluto 

October 2023 

“Filling Buckets”