Hello and welcome back Rockstar Nation to our January goals setting and ways to avoid falling off the path to more strength and better health in this new year!
As we talked about in a recent email regarding new years goal setting and best practices to follow through, we should:
-Pick 3 goals
-Put them in order of importance
-Focus on goal #1
-Don’t go to Goal #2 until #1 is Done!
Now that being say you are not feelings as excited about these goals now, that is actually perfectly normal cause roughly
-25% of people quit in the first week
-43% of people quit by the end of January.
But in our true Rockstar fashion we have
Tips to stay on track:
- Write your goals down where you can see them
- Write them out on actual paper with a pen
- Review each evening or morning to stay engaged
So if you are still working through your goals, you are on the right track!
Let’s keep it going Rockstar Nation!
Jake Cheney
Rockstar Fitness, LLC.